Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball Z. If I did, I would at least have a better computer...

Hey hey hey! This is my first actual chapter fic. This is my second lemon fic. It's not
gonna be as steamy as the first one (hehe.... ^_^), but the lemon isn't gonna be for a few
chapter yet so... Anyway this is a Goten/Bra Trunks/Pan romance fic, yet another one of
my firsts. Just to clarify, THIS CHAPTER DOES NOT HAVE LEMON IN IT, not to say that this
fic does not have lemon IN it (obviously from the rating). Another thing, the ages are
like, way off. Trunks is 20, Pan is 19, Goten is also 20 and Bra is 18. Also, this story
has offensive language, but if you read lemons, that most likely isn't a problem! On with
the story!

True Love Is Hard To Find

     "Pan!" Bra called from the living room of Pan's house.
     "Coming!" Pan called back. She pulled the T-shirt over her head and grabbed her brush.
She stood in front of her full length mirror quickly brushing her hair. Jesus, why'd I
have to sleep in so late!
she mentally scolded herself.
     She tossed her brush onto her bed and looked at herself in the mirror to make sure she
looked decent. She was wearing a green midriff T-shirt, showing off her perfect
19-year-old figure, which her short shorts added to, and an orange bandana. She quickly
rolled up the sleeves of her T-shirt and rushed out of her room, grabbing her mini
backpack on the way out.
     She was greeted downstairs by an impatient Bra tapping her red, high heeled shoes. She
was in her sleeveless, low-cut, short red dress that she loved so much, her little red
purse hanging from her shoulder
     "You're late," she commented, half irritated, half joking.
     "Slept in," Pan replied simply. She made her way to the door and sat down to put on
her shoes.
     "Pan! We're gonna be late!" Bra cried, making wild gestures. "You can do that in the
     "It will only take a second," She quickly tied her shoes and stood up, smiling.
"There, let's go."
     Bra sighed. "Finally," she said walking quickly to the door, her purse swinging wildly.
Pan walked out the door before Bra and ran up to the shiny, red convertible in her
circular driveway.
     "Hey Uncle Goten! Hey Trunks!" she called, smiling widely while running up to the car.
She jumped onto the back of the car and put her legs in the space between the seats.
     "Please," Goten complained, "don't call me Uncle Goten, it makes me feel so old..."
     "Well that's 'cause you are old," she teased, rubbing his hair with her hand, messing
it up.
     "Hey!" Goten cried, putting his hands up the smooth out his hair. "I'm only 20, I'm
not old at all, plus, I'm only one year older than you, so if I'm old, you're old."
     Pan hmphed as Bra approached the car. "Christ, are you guys fighting again?" she sighed,
hopping onto the back of the car next to Pan.
     "No," Pan said, "I'm just making fun of him, he's such a baby."
     "I can hear you ya know..." Goten pointed out with a slightly annoyed tone.
"Well that's the point."
     Trunks, who had been silently listening to their squabbling the whole time, finally
put his arm in between them and said, "Can you guys stop fighting or arguing or teasing or
whatever you guys to to inflict torture on the other for one night? I don't want to be
embarrassed at this place. It's yours and my first time there, and I want to make a good
     "Okey dokey Trunksy," Pan said smiling and patting him on the head. Trunks raised an
eyebrow, shook his head, and drove off.

That's chapter 1, I know it's short, but I am already working on chapter 2, not to worry.
Anyway, let me know what you think!


On To Part 2 ~~~>