Author's Note: Hi peeps! I'm back! Ok, I know I know…Trunks…and Pan…what the hell was I on (EMINEM!) when I wrote this, right? Truth is, I took the
time…about 5 or 6 hours it took me to get
an average, Trunks and Pan are about 7-11 (in my story they're about 9) years apart. Not THAT bad…anyway, don't look surprised if they fall in love REAL
quick, cause I just felt like it…oh well,
enjoy -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-
Disclaimer: These characters do not, I repeat, do NOT belong to me ((if they did I'd be rich now, wouldn't I?))!!!! Don't sue! I have no money! I have
NOTHING you want! Don't sue! Please!

Time Flies

Why does this place look so familiar to me? Trunks asked as he climbed up the steep mountainside. Looking around, he carefully made his way up to
the top. He walked to the edge of the cliff, and looked down. He could see the city clearly, and a little bit further away, he could make out Capsule
Corp. Trunks smiled, he could just imagine his parents fighting, they didn't admit it, but Vegita and Bulma were a perfect match. They both had a
fiery reputation, but they each had a soft side, only left for each other.
The wind ruffled Trunks' light purple hair. Sighing, he sat down on the edge of the cliff. His pants were torn on the way up, it was as if the twigs
and branches didn't want him to see that place, as if the twigs couldn't let him remember his life. Trunks stared at the cut he had gotten. Blood
trickled from it slowly, and Trunks just watched the blood run down his leg. He cringed in pain, but turned his attention to the shallow trail he
spotted. Slowly standing up, he walked down the path. Where am I going to end up? He thought.
Trunks walked without knowing he was walking, as if something was pulling him to the place at the end of the trail. Trunks caught his breath when
he spotted the end. Trees and bushes surrounded a small cave. Trunks walked up to it, crouching down, he crawled inside. The small hole opened
up to a rocky room. Trunks spied a window, carefully chiseled out of the rock. Walking over to it, he sat down on a stool, carved out of rock. He
looked out the window, all he could see for miles was lush green forest. Trunks tried hard to remember why he came up here in the first place.
"Mom and dad won't stop fighting…" Trunks thought to himself. He had to wake up every morning to toys and vases being thrown around. He
always tried of ways to make them stop fighting. Many times a night, Trunks would wake up to hear his mother crying, and his father yelling at her.
Once every now and then, Trunks would creep out to see his father asleep on the couch. Trunks looked at the horizon. Why won't they stop
fighting?! He thought unhappily. The wind blew his hair around his face. Getting up, he hit his head on the ceiling of the cave.
"Ouch…stupid rock…" He cursed to himself. He crawled back out of the cave and walked up to the cliff. Sitting down on the edge, he stared
lifelessly at the sky. Suddenly it came to him.
"I used to come up here to play with Goten!" he cried, the memories came flooding back. He smiled as he remembered how they used to pretend
they were knights in shining armor, ki blasting imaginary tree-enemies. Trunks laughed out loud, their enemies were too stupid to dodge the blasts,
so they always won. Once the pair had destroyed a whole acre of lush forest. But oh well…not like the forest was THAT important. Trunks
Trunks smiled warmly, and let his chin rest on his knees. Trunks suddenly realized how beautiful the place was. The light blue and purple mountains
in the background, the dark, green, forest in the foreground. Trunks saw it was getting a little dark. He noticed the city lights flashing, making the
whole place so harmonious in the mixed up world he lived in. Trunks suddenly levitated and flew down over the cliff, as if expecting some unknown
answer to be hidden down there. He looked through the sharp rocks and nooks in the cliff, until he spotted a small piece of light blue cloth, torn
and tattered. He studied it carefully.
"What happened here?" he asked himself out loud. He picked up the cloth, and turned it over. Trunks could make something out on the soft blue


Trunks read his name out loud.
"What does this mean?" Trunks asked himself, as if expecting the answer to just pop out in front of him. He looked at the piece of cloth again.
Quickly he sat down, flipping the cloth over and over in his hand. Finally it came to him.
"I remember now…I was chasing a squirrel…" Trunks explained to himself, thinking of the accident that had happened there. He remembered that
when he was very young, he had followed a flying squirrel here, and he chased it up to the cliff, the squirrel jumped, and landed in a tree, and
young Trunks had jumped and…well…didn't make it to the tree. Trunks remembered how he was too afraid to do anything, and that his father,
Vegita, had come to his rescue. Trunks smiled as he recalled his father had held him tight, and wouldn't dare let go until they reached Capsule Corp.
Trunks realized that every once in a while, there would be a kind word, or soft touch in Vegita's cold heart.
"Is that why mom chose him?" he asked, mainly to himself.
"You never know, your mom is pretty unpredictable you know…" a soft lulling voice broke through Trunks' thoughts. Trunks spun around, and came
face to face with Pan. He blushed a deep red as he noticed Pan was wearing a bright blue mini skirt, and a blood red tank top, hugging her figure
"You startled me…" Trunks confessed, his face turning a little bit red. Pan sat down on the ledge next to him.
"Don't be embarrassed, I wonder why my parents got together too sometimes…" Pan said, noting it was getting dark quickly.
"Who said I was embarrassed?" Trunks asked, glancing at Pan out of the corner of his eye, as he started to carve his initials in the soft sand. Pan
looked at him. She watched his scratch and carve in the sand.
Pan smiled as she recognized his initials. Trunks had no last name, but at least he had a very unique first name.
"You were blushing." Pan answered Trunks' question. She started laughing as Trunks started blushing again. He's kind of cute…Pan thought. But he
would never go out with me…he must have the whole school swooning over him. Pan frowned unhappily.
"Was not…" Trunks argued quietly, barely over a whisper. Pan smiled at him, then turned her attention to the cars going by on the tiny road down
below. She cleared her throat.
"Don't you have a girlfriend?" she asked, hoping she wasn't sounding too obvious.
"Iie…those girls at school follow me around like some pack of wild dogs, its sick…" Trunks said, a disgusted look on his face.
"Don't you want a girlfriend?" Pan asked again, getting a little curious.
"Well…yeah…but I want them to be different, and like me for my personality, not my good looks…" he answered, still looking over at the little houses
and cars. Trunks quickly glanced at Pan, noticing she was blushing.
"So…do you have a boyfriend?" Trunks asked, trying to start a conversation. This is my reason for looking at her so much…Trunks thought to
himself. But she is pretty, and she doesn't swoon over me like those sick girls…but she probably won't go out with me. Trunks thought sadly.
"Iie…I haven't found the right guy yet…" Pan answered, watching Trunks' reaction out of the corner of her eye.
"Really? I would expect you to have a million guys over you…with your good looks and all…" Trunks answered, blushing hard at what he had just
said. Pan smiled warmly. They sat in silence for a little while, watching the sun set, watching the purple and blue mountains turn black as night fell.
The wind blew over the small cliff. Pan shivered and hugged herself tightly. Trunks saw her shivering, and took off his jacket. He stood up and
draped the jacket over her shoulders.
"Here…you don't have to freeze to death…" Trunks said quietly. Pan smiled at him, and gratefully accepted the warm leather jacket. After a while,
the wind grew stronger, and Trunks motioned for Pan to follow him. They walked down the path that led to the little cave. Crawling inside, Trunks
made room for his 'guest'. After a while, Trunks got a small fire started, and he found a blanket under a couple rocks. Smiling he wrapped Pan up in
the blanket, and watched the fire dance against the dark night sky. Pan glanced at Trunks every once in a while, smiling warmly whenever he
caught her staring at him. The cave was a little bit small for two teenage kids, so they had to cuddle close to the fire to keep warm. Pan turned to
Trunks to start a conversation, just as Trunks turned to Pan. Their noses brushed. Pan gasped, and turned away quickly, embarrassed. Trunks
blushed hard, but shook it off. He cleared his throat.
"Uh…Pan?" he asked, afraid that she might be scared off about what he was going to ask next.
"Yeah?" she looked at Trunks out of the corner of her eye, noting he was blushing slightly.
"Well…I was kinda…wondering…if you'd…like to…go…out with me…" he said quietly.
"Sure!" Pan cried, almost too soon. Trunks looked up.
"Really?" he asked, not believing what she said.
"Yeah! I'd love to!" she said happily. Trunks smiled warmly. The fire went out suddenly and the cave became dark.
"Crap…I'll go get some more wood…" Trunks said as he got up, trying to find the way out in the dark cave. Suddenly, he tripped over something,
and shot a ki blast to the side, accidentally. This started a tiny fire in the dry leaves, and he found himself up close with Pan, who was staring at
him, blushing slightly. Not even knowing what he was doing, he leaned forward, and they kissed. Pan's eyes went wide, but she slowly closed them
as she kissed him back. Trunks wrapped his hand around her thin waist and pulled her close. Pan slowly folded her arms around his neck. They
stayed that way, kissing passionately, and not even caring if it wasn't meant to be. Trunks caught Pan's chin and held the kiss a little longer. They
pulled apart slowly. Pan ran her fingers through Trunks' hair, and smiled sweetly.
"Wow…" she whispered in his ear. Trunks turned away for a second, and then caught Pan in another kiss. Pan didn't even care if the breath was
knocked out of her, she was kissing Trunks, the nicest, sweetest, cutest, most caring boy she had ever met. Wow…its happening to me…I'm kissing
my dream boy…Pan thought while she held back a small laugh. They spilt apart again, breathless. Pan laid her head on Trunks' shoulder, and
cuddled up next to him. Trunks smiled, and held her close. This is what I want…I love her…and I'm not letting her go…he thought in his head, he
smiled and hugged Pan close. Trunks glanced at his watch.
"C'mon…its time to go." He said quietly, noting it was about eleven-thirty. Pan yawned sleepily. Trunks smiled and picked her up, he crawled out the
opening and levitated. Locating her house, he flew off toward there, taking his time. He looked at her, sound asleep in his arms. Touching down in
front of her house, he shook her gently.
"Where am I?" Pan asked, yawning. Trunks smiled down at her and placed her on the steps.
"Home." He answered, ringing the doorbell. Gohan came to the door. He looked at Trunks, then at Pan, then at his watch. Quickly he grabbed Pan
and tugged her into the house.
"I just brought…" Trunks tried to explain, but the door was slammed rudely in his face. Pan ran to the window and waved as Trunks levitated,
waved back, and flew off for his house.
"What were you doing out so late?" Gohan yelled at his daughter. Pan looked at him, a frown crossed her face.
"Dad! I was just talking with him! I don't know why you're so paranoid." Pan yelled back as she walked to her room. Gohan looked at his daughter,
then walked off for the kitchen, muttering something about children these days. Pan slammed the door, and fell onto her bed, smiling, as the picture
of them kissing came into her mind. She sighed and got up. Rummaging through her closet she found a box. She opened it. I'm glad I kept these
pictures…Pan thought as she looked through the school pictures and other pictures she got from her parents. They all had Trunks in it. Pan smiled
at his cold blue eyes, and his light purple hair. She picked up a picture with just Trunks. He was smiling and wearing his normal outfit, a black tank
top with black jeans and a Capsule Corp. jacket. Pan stroked the picture fondly. She smiled and hugged it, lying down on her bed, she fell asleep
hugging the picture of Trunks.
Trunks flew home, still thinking about the two of them. He smiled to himself. Almost running into a tree, Trunks tried to focus, but couldn't get the
picture out of his head. She's so beautiful…he thought. So smart…funny…pretty…everything I want…ugh…why did I have to be so stupid around
her? Trunks asked himself over and over. Because…I like her, and it's a known fact I get tongue-tied when I'm around someone I like. But that
doesn't mean anything! Trunks continued to argue with himself the whole way home.
Landing in front of his house, he encountered his sister sitting on the steps, submerged in a book. Trunks stared for a minute, then tried sneaking
part her into the house. Bra noticed right away. Smiling, she secretly grabbed his foot, and pulled him down on the pavement with a crash.
Trunks pulled himself up from the steps, and sat down beside his sister. Damn her…she knows everything…she probably rigged me or something.
Trunks thought bitterly. On this thought, he ran his hands through his hair, just in case. Bra giggled.
"Back so late?" she asked suspiciously.
"Long night…" Trunks grumbled.
"What was it like?"
"You know what I'm talking about!"
"No…I don't…"
"YES YOU DO!" Bra raised her voice a little, almost waking up the household.
"…" Trunks shook his head and put on an innocent face. Bra grabbed his shirt and started shaking him.
"Bra! Ok! I'll tell! I'll tell!" Trunks cried, putting his pride on the line. Bra smiled in satisfaction.
"Please do." She answered, letting go of Trunks. She smiled sweetly, then watched him.
"It was…nice…" he said quietly.
"Nice? JUST nice?" Bra eyed her brother. She crossed her arms stubbornly.
"So…it was great…"
"HA! I knew it! You like her don't you! I knew it all along! I can tell, women's intuition NEVER fails." Bra grinned. Trunks raised a curious eyebrow. He
shrugged and shook his head in disapproval. He got up to leave. Bra grabbed his arm.
"Gimme details!" she whined. Trunks shook his head.
"No way…who knows what your gonna do…ever heard of blackmail?" he asked, then he turned and headed in the house. Only to come face to face
with his father.
"What the hell are you doing up so late? And Bra, I thought I told you to get to bed!" Vegita said angrily. Bra stood up and blushed, then skipped to
her daddy. Jumping in his arms, she put on her best puppy-dog face.
"But daddy, Trunks here was helping me with my homework, and I really need help…could you help me daddy?" she asked innocently, trying to save
her brother's neck. Vegita looked at her for a moment, then eyed his son, who was grinning awkwardly. He shrugged and walked in the house, but
not before warning Trunks.
"Don't be out so late next time…" he growled. Trunks smiled in return. When Vegita was finally in the house, Trunks couldn't hold back a chuckle. His
father always gave into his sister's whining.
Walking into the house quietly, he quickly walked to the bathroom. Taking a quick shower, Trunks headed for bed. Throwing on a tank top and
briefs, he walked to his window and looked outside. He watched the stars for a little while and thought about Pan.
Meanwhile, Pan was watching the stars from her window, and thinking about Trunks. As if she knew he was doing the same, Pan quickly threw on a
T-shirt and jeans, then quietly opened her window, and sneaked out. She made her way across the lawn, and peeked in the living room to find her
parents watching TV. She held her breath as she made her way across the lawn.
Videl caught a glimpse of her and was about to shout at her, when she decided to let her go. Hell…you're only a kid once…and its just Friday…we
can live if our daughter doesn't get any sleep tonight. Videl thought. She watched Pan sneak past the window, then she heard felt the gentle
breeze that singled her daughter had just flown away.
Gohan's head shot up. He glanced at his wife. Then he stood up to go check on Pan. Videl, who grabbed his arm, stopped him. She smiled up at
him, lovingly. Gohan yanked a little, trying to resist, but Videl pulled him back down on the couch. Gohan inched away from his wife a little, and
Videl inched closer. She grabbed his face and kissed him, trying her best to give her daughter a chance of freedom. Gohan didn't resist, he kissed
Videl back.
Pan sped through the sky, she needed to see Trunks. She smiled as she remembered seeing her mother distract her father. She grinned, and made
a beeline for Capsule Corp.
Trunks had a sudden urge to go and see Pan. He threw on his usual outfit, black jeans and a jacket, he opened the window. He wasted no time,
and flew out the window. Speeding for Pan's house, he saw a flash of light, black hair, crimson lips, and a lovely face, before he smashed into a
Trunks opened his eyes warily, light flooded the darkness, and he quickly shut them again. He heard a gentle voice. Then felt a soft touch on his
"Are you ok Trunks?" the voice called softly. Trunks' vision cleared, and he found himself face to face with Pan. He smiled awkwardly, and got up,
despite the unruly headache he had. He struggled to get his bearings, and slowly reached up to touch Pan's soft hair. He smiled again. Pan held his
hand and helped him stand up. They stood for a long time, watching each other, smiling at each other. Trunks suddenly reached forward, and
kissed Pan. Pulling back slowly, he savored the moment. Suddenly, something struck him on the head. He staggered back, staring at Pan,
bewildered. He stuttered and watched her, amazed she would hit him after all they've been through.
"Pan…I thought…" Trunks was confused, he slowly read Pan's expression, one of horror and dismay. Slowly, Pan lifted a hand, and pointed at
Trunks. She slowly shrunk away. Trunks looked at her confused, wondering why on earth she was pointing at him. Then he realized she wasn't
pointing at him, she was pointing at something behind him.
Trunks put a hand on his head where he was hit, then proceeded to turn around…slowly. He got a glimpse of his father before he received another
blow to the head, this time landing on the ground, several feet away. He quickly reached up and touched his head, feeling the blood flow freely.
Trunks heard a loud voice.
"How dare you! Such a weak low class! No way am I letting you go near anyone part of Kakarott's family!" Vegita roared, he turned to Pan, "And
you! Get away! Leave this place! Get out of here!" Pan shrunk away, almost tripping over Trunks. She knelt down by him quickly, hugging him
tightly, she tried her best at defending herself.
"Vegita sir…we…uhh…we…" Pan tried to explain, but Vegita interrupted her.
"I don't give a rat's ass what you do, leave my son out of it! Go home before I kick your ass!" he cried, standing his guard. Pan tugged on Trunks'
arm, trying to get him to his feet. Trunks sat there, letting the blood flow. He knew he could fly pretty fast…maybe he could wait a little, until
Vegita lost his guard, then grab Pan and scramble.
Vegita was knocked off balance and flew over, hitting a bunch of trees. He grabbed his chest and stared, wondering who dared to hit him. He saw
Pan and Trunks sitting in the dirt, and he saw another figure, blocked by the sun. A familiar voice was heard.
"You touch my daughter and I'll tear you to pieces!" Gohan cried savagely.
"Daddy!" Pan jumped up and hugged her father, only to be slapped, and thrown away fiercely. Vegita gritted his teeth.
"Damn you! I'll do what I want!" he cried. He lunged for Gohan, punching him in the face. Gohan staggered back and began an assault on Vegita.
Both adults continued to fight, while Trunks had managed to get his senses back in order.
Grabbing Pan, Trunks quickly darted into the forest. He flew through the trees, making sure none hit Pan. Finally, when he could fly no more, they
settled down by a nearby stream. Pan held her face gingerly.
"Ouch…sometimes daddy can be such a pain…" she said quietly. Trunks smiled warmly at her. Picking up a couple twigs, he started a small fire. Pan
continued to heal her face. They sat there for a while, talking and healing cuts and bruises.
"So…what are we gonna do?" Pan asked. Trunks shrugged.
"I dunno…" he answered. He looked up, it was dark now, and the sun had set.
"Won't daddy be looking for us?" Pan asked again, worried what would happen if they found the two of them. Trunks looked her in the eye.
"We'll get lost in the woods, they won't find us…" he answered, slightly reassuring himself with this answer. Pan crawled up to him. Sitting down
beside him, she wrapped her arms around him, and kissed him and hugged him. Trunks' eyes went wide, but he kissed her back. They through the
cold night all cuddled up and cozy.

At the first light of morning, Trunks woke up. He carefully woke Pan up, and they headed deeper into the forest. When they were at least twenty or thirty
miles away from home, they settled down in a clearing to begin planning for how they were going to survive.
"Ok…lets see…we could build a house…" Pan suggested, "not a big one, just a cozy little house." Trunks shrugged, it seemed like a good idea.
Gathering wood and materials for their house, Trunks stumbled onto an old store in the middle of no where. He quickly hid the store, making sure no one
would find it. Then, taking about fifteen logs with him, Trunks trotted back to the clearing.
Pan helped lay out the building plan for the house, all cozy and warm. They cut out the first layer, then placed the first few boards on it. Then they cut out
the windows and doors, and they laid down the second layer. Then they placed the roof on, and went on the inside to do the rest of the work.
"First things first…we need a couple rooms…" Pan said quietly. Trunks nodded. Smiling, he walked off into the forest for the logs needed. Stopping by the
old shop, he peered inside.
"Hello?" he said quietly, "Anyone home?" he asked again. He was greeted by silence. Smiling again, he walked right past the shop, making sure it was well
On the way back with the wood, Trunks took one small look around the shop, and found tons of things they would need. He found food and wine, string
and a refrigerator, he found wires and lamps, mattresses and chairs, and even an old TV set.
A cry was heard through out the forest. Trunks' head shot up. He ran as fast as he could, back to the clearing. He found Pan, on the dirt floor, and a pretty
wild pack of wolves surrounding her. Trunks gritted his teeth as he kicked and hit the wolves, finally driving them away. He ran to Pan.
"Are you ok? Please say your ok…please…" Trunks pleaded. He lifted her head up, and smiled weakly at her.
"I'm fine…just a couple big deal…" she answered. She sat up carefully, then turned around and picked up a small puppy. Turning back toward
Trunks, she smiled.
"Can we keep him?" she asked. Trunks examined the puppy, making sure it wasn't a wolf pup, then decided to keep him. Trunks nodded. Pan jumped up
and hugged him with all her might.
"Oh thank you!" she cried, then walked off to care for the little dog. Trunks turned his attention back to the wood. He hadn't realized he had brought all the
logs with him on his run back to the house. He shrugged, and took the logs inside.
Building a couple rooms, and a bathroom, Trunks took time to build the new dog, now named Snuggles, a little place to sleep, inside of course. He chopped
up the rest of the logs for firewood in the back. Finally reaching the shop, Trunks looked around inside. It was a great shop, tons of things, tools, food,
kitchen utensils, everything. Trunks took a couple thousand tiles, and a couple rugs and the bathtub and shower. Carefully making his way back, so he
wouldn't drop the items, Trunks thought of how perfect their house could be.
Trunks laid all the items down on the floor. Quickly getting a couple floorboards made, Trunks turned the dirty ground into a beautiful hardwood floor. He
laid down a couple rugs, then went in the bathroom to build that up a little.
Laying down the tiles, and keeping them there with cement he found in the shop, Trunks managed to finish the bathroom floor in a couple hours. He slowly
and carefully placed the bathtub and shower in place, and put a mirror, a couple cabinets, and a sink in place along with a toilet and closet. Trunks walked
back to the store. Maybe he could find a couple more items useful to them. If I can get Pan almost anything she wants in her house…she's bound to like me!
Trunks thought.
Trunks walked right into the store, and started helping himself to the mattresses and bedspreads, the glass windows and a couple closet doors, and some
other things useful.
Making his way back, Trunks was careful not to drop a single thing. He quickly installed the doors, and placed the beds in the middle of the two bedrooms,
then put in the glass windows. He put the closets in neatly, and stood back to admire both rooms. He had now finished a whole half of the house.
Once again, he walked back to the store to get a whole kitchen, not to mention utensils and chairs and such. Walking back to his house again, Trunks
wondered how many more trips he'd have to make. He took the entire kitchen, and fitted into placed, then put in the oven and dishwasher. He put all the
utensils in the right place, and went to visit Pan outside.
Trunks smiled as he noticed it was still about three in the morning. He watched Pan sleep through all the construction, and carefully, he picked her up, along
with the puppy. Walking in the house, he almost tripped over a couple boards, but slowly and surely, he made his way to Pan's bedroom. Placing her
carefully on the bed, he played with her hair a little before getting back to work. He closed the door after he stepped out of Pan's room, and headed down
for the shop again.
This time getting the TV set and a couple couches, chairs, recliners, and coffee tables. Building a TV stand, he put the whole living room right past the dining
room, which was right by the kitchen. He walked down the hall and turned around, he faced the south side of the house, and smiled at his
accomplishments. He noted the two bedrooms were behind him, and the bathroom was to his right, and a simple closet to his left. He walked down the hall
a little bit more, and, to the left, the kitchen, and the dining room, separated by a counter. To the right was the main door, the entranceway, and the little
puppy's own little roomy doghouse.
Trunks walked past the wall that separated the living room from the dining room. The living room was the very end of the whole house, first the bedrooms,
then the bathroom, then the kitchen, dining room and entranceway, and then the living room. Trunks walked around the largest room in the house. He
smiled. He had built the whole house, and he was satisfied by the way it looked. But will Pan like it? He asked himself carefully. Trunks shrugged, but he
was afraid inside. What if she doesn't like it? What am I going to do? Chain her to a chair and keep her here? Damn…I should've talked to her first…Trunks
thought. Trunks walked to the refrigerator with a sad face. He opened the door to find nothing inside. He sighed, and walked to the door.
Walking back to the store, he grabbed every scrap of food he could find, including herbs and anything else edible. He walked back home, and stuck all the
food into the refrigerator. Turning on the radio, which he also got from the small shop, he heard the news of two missing kids. He listened intently on what
his parents and what Pan's parents were saying.
Trunks gritted his teeth and shut the radio off. He turned on the TV and decided to watch a couple shows, to see how the telephone lines worked. They all
worked fine, he walked around, tested all the lights, and finally settled down to take a shower. He suddenly noticed they had no cloths to wear. Trunks
slapped his head, and made sure Pan was asleep before walking out the door, again.
This time Trunks flew to his house. Making sure his parents weren't home, he slipped up to his room. Getting every article of clothing that was his, and a
couple other things, Trunks threw them into a garbage bag and flew back toward his new house again. He walked inside the room to find Pan, wide-awake,
staring at the house. She ran to Trunks and clung to him.
"I think someone switched houses with us…either that…or I was kidnapped…" she said quietly, still clinging to Trunks. Trunks laughed.
"I built it all for you while you were asleep." He answered. Pan looked up at him. She smiled weakly, then hugged him tightly.
"Can we live here forever?" she asked, cuddling Trunks. Trunks nodded, lost in Pan's beauty and friendliness. He picked her up in his arms, and walked
around the house, giving a small tour, that ended at the living room. They sat down on the couch and watched each other eagerly. Trunks smiled.
"So…how do you like it?" he asked. Pan smiled in return.
"I love it." She answered. Scooting closer to Trunks, she cuddled up against him. At first, Trunks hesitated, but then he laid his hand on her waist, holding
her close. Pan kissed him slowly, carefully, as if she were afraid he would go away. Trunks froze, but quickly let his feelings take over, he kissed Pan back.
Smiling at him, Pan stood up.
"I'm going to go take a shower now…" she said slowly. Trunks shook his head.
"I wouldn't…you have nothing else to wear…" he said.
"Oh yeah…I forgot about that…what are we going to do?"
"Get cloths…I already got mine." Trunks said, pointing at the garbage bag.
"Oh…" Pan said, a little confused. Trunks picked Pan up, then flew to her house as fast as he could go. Reaching her house, he made sure Pan's parents
were occupied before they sneaked into the house. Pan got all her cloths and a couple more items she liked, such as her makeup and brush, and other
things. She put them all in a bag, then she and Trunks headed back to their cozy cabin.
Landing in front of the house, Pan ran inside, still not believing what Trunks had built. She ran to the bathroom.
"Can I take a shower now?" she asked. Trunks smiled, then nodded.
"Go ahead, I'm gonna unpack my stuff." He said. Pan nodded in agreement. But she took a shower anyway. Trunks was unpacking his stuff when Pan came
out in a towel.
"Hey, you can go now." She said, motioning for him to go and take a shower. Trunks stood there, dumbfounded. Pan looked at him, a questioning eyebrow
raised. She looked down, and realized she was only in a towel, blushing hard, she ran into her room. Trunks snapped out of his little trance and ran to take
a shower, wishing he could die.
After a long, refreshing shower, Trunks sat down on his bed to finish unpacking. He smiled at his room, the white walls, and the sun shining in through the
window. He stood up. Walking out of his room, he bumped into Pan, who was now fully dressed. Trunks blushed and squeezed past her.
Eating a good lunch, Trunks and Pan set out to go their separate ways. Pan played and took care of the puppy, and Trunks took a short walk through the
woods to the shop, wondering if there was anything else they could use.
Walking into the small store, he looked around. Noticing a jewelry case, he walked up to it. Looking around, he found a diamond engagement ring. His eyes
went wide. He reached over the counter, and into the jewelry case, taking out the ring. He examined it closely, noticing the silver and gold entwined bands,
and a single diamond in the middle. He looked more closely at it, on the back, he noticed the ring was engraved, saying 'I will always love you'. Trunks
grinned in satisfaction. This is gonna be perfect! She's love this…since I love her so much…even though we've been together…for…a couple weeks…I love
her…I can tell…and if she loves me, we'll get married! Trunks thought. He ran home, almost too happy. He stopped short when he saw his home. He
swallowed, then walked up to the door. He walked inside, and immediately ran to his room and hid the ring.
For the next couple of weeks, Trunks kept away from Pan as much as possible. It was hard, she was always there, tackling him, playing games with him,
chasing him, anything to get his attention. Each night, he would practice what he was going to say.
"Hey Trunks, come here, would ya?" Pan said, anxiously. Trunks swallowed hard, then walked to her.
"Yeah?" he asked. Pan looked him in the eye, then looked him up and down a little.
"How old are you?" she asked. Trunks froze. He smiled awkwardly, then thought a little.
"How old are YOU?" he asked. Pan looked down and played with her toes.
"Nineteen…it'll be my birthday in a few days, on the 15th." She answered. Trunks smiled nervously. He looked down. Pan glanced at him.
"Well…how old are you?" she asked again. Trunks looked down.
"What school do you…go to?" he asked. Pan thought for a minute.
"Well, I'm out school now…going to college real soon…how about you?" she asked, curious.
"I'm out of college, graduated a while ago…starting to take over Capsule Corp." he answered, a little ashamed. Pan's eyes went wide. She backed away
"Umm…how old are you?" she asked again, a little worried. Trunks looked down.
"Twenty-eight…" he answered. Pan almost fell over.
"NANI?" she screamed, "I don't believe it! How could you do this? Twenty-eight!" she cried again.
"Hey, its not like I'm THAT old…" Trunks shot back. Pan looked at him.
"What else have you been keeping from me?" she asked coldly.
"Huh? Nothing, of course nothing…" Trunks thought a little about the engagement ring, but decided that wouldn't be the right thing to tell her.
"I don't believe you."
"Nani? Why not?"
"You lied…I don't think I should trust you…"
"Hey! I didn't lie! I didn't tell you that I was any age at all!"
"But you acted like a normal twenty year old would! And you look twenty!"
"I'm half Saiyan…we don't age THAT quick…"
"Still you lied!"
"Did not!"
"Yes you did!"
"So what if we're about nine years apart, big deal, I know tons of people that are ten or more years apart, they don't care!"
"I don't care about those people! This is about us! Nine years Trunks…nine!" Pan cried, she was in tears now.
"What's so bad about nine little years?" Trunks asked, walking up to Pan to comfort her. Pan slapped his hand away.
"Leave me alone!" she cried before running down the hall to her room. She left Trunks to stand in the middle of the living room, dazed, confused, ashamed,
and worst of all, lonely.
Trunks slammed the door to the house. He walked through the woods. Stopping at the small stream where he and Pan first stopped, rested, and decided
to run away. Trunks shook his head in disbelief. He reached in his pocket, and pulled out the engagement ring. Staring at it, he watched its every move, as
if expecting it to yell at him. He put it back in the box. She doesn't want me anymore…she never did…and I don't think she ever will…he thought sadly.
"How could I do this…she'll never forgive me…" he said aloud. He shook his head again. Sighing, he got up. He was about to turn back to the house, but he
gave I a second thought.
"Should I go back? She'll probably throw me out, even though I built that hell hole…she doesn't know how much I love her…does she?" he asked himself out
loud. He turned around, and came face to face with Pan.
They stared at each other for a while, sad, lonely, wanting to hug and hold each other, but not admitting it. Trunks watched Pan's every move. What is she
doing here? He asked himself. He looked down at the engagement ring box. He hid it behind his hand, and put it in his pocket.
Pan smiled weakly, a tear rolled down her cheek. She slowly walked up to Trunks. Looking in his eyes, she threw herself on him, crying. Trunks was
astonished, but slowly came to his senses. He wrapped his hands around Pan's waist, and smiled to himself. He held her, and let her cry on his shoulder.
Finally pulling back, Pan smiled.
"I love you…" she said quietly. She laid her head on his chest and sighed.
"I love you too…" Trunks answered, now glad he didn't think of throwing away the ring.
"How could I be so stupid…letting you go over such a stupid problem…" she said quietly. Trunks smiled. He shrugged.
"We were both stupid…" he said.
Trunks picked Pan up and carried her back to the little cottage. When she was finally asleep, he ran to the kitchen to check the calendar. Three days…until
her birthday…he thought. That's when I propose…he said to himself. On her birthday. Trunks smiled. It seemed like the perfect plan.
The next few days went by slowly, to Trunks, it seemed like forever until Pan's birthday. He kept himself busy by building a porch and a porch swing to go
along with it. He finished both on one day.
"Trunks…it's beautiful…" Pan said, sitting happily on the porch swing. She smiled.
"I was bored…I had to do something." Trunks answered, "What do you want, I'll build it for you…" Pan thought for a minute. She grinned evilly.
"A pool." She answered, a grin on her face. Trunks' eyes went wide, but he agreed.
"A pool…you'll get…" he said, a little flustered. He shrugged, and went around the back of the house. He turned around, and studied the back. Walking
around the front, he walked in the house, and to the dining room. He studied it for a while, then took a knife, and cut a large doorway in it. He kicked the
wall out.
Walking through the forest to the shop once again, he got out tiles and a glass sliding door. Slowly, he made his way back home wondering how on earth
he was supposed to get a pool built. He walked in the house. He put up the glass sliding door in a flash, then walked through it to the 'backyard'. He eyed
the area for a minute, then put up a perimeter.
"Are you sure you want a pool?" he asked Pan. Pan nodded. She walked up to him, and smiled seductively.
"You'll build me a pool…won't you?" she asked in a husky voice. Trunks stared at her, lost in her beauty. He nodded. Pan giggled, and walked back in the
house. Trunks realized he had been tricked. He shook his head, and continued to work.
Digging up the area for the pool, Trunks stopped for a minute.
"How deep do you want this thing?" he asked. Pan poked her head out of the kitchen.
"Nine feet enough?" she asked. Trunks' eyes went wide, but he nodded. He dug some more and continued into the night. He was determined to finish
before Pan's birthday. Finally, when the pool was the right size, he set up another walled area inside the pool. He placed the dirt and the wall a couple
inches apart. Filling the space with cement, Trunks waited a couple hours for the cement to harden. Then he started covering the entire pool with tiles. He
got out the sea blue tiles and started putting them on the bottom. He finished that in about an hour, covering the sides took a little more work, and Trunks
was up to it. He finally finished the entire pool by five at night. Adding the lights and the steps, Trunks stood back to admire the well-built pool. He smiled.
Filling the pool up with warm water, he watched Pan through the windows in the kitchen. He smiled. He had always wanted a wife that could cook. An evil
grin came across Trunks' face. He got up, and walked into the house. Crawling up behind Pan, he quickly grabbed her in a bear hug. Pan shrieked.
"Its just me…" Trunks said, smiling. Pan smiled back.
"Is the pool done?" she asked. Trunks nodded. Pan wiggled out of his grasp, and ran outside. Just what Trunks wanted. He sneaked up behind Pan, who
was watching the clear water in the pool.
"Be careful you don't slip…" he said.
"Don't worry, I w…" Pan suddenly read the idea Trunks was having. She spun around, but was too late. Trunks pushed her in the pool. She shrieked before
hitting the water. Surfacing, she stared at Trunks.
"Trunks! I'm soaking wet!" she cried. Trunks grinned.
"Your in a pool, you should be." He answered. Pan frowned. She watched Trunks sit on the side of the pool, with his legs dangling over the edge. Pan
ducked under water. She surfaced near Trunks, grabbed his arm, and pulled him in. Trunks hit the water. Gasping for breath, he stared at Pan.
"Hey!" he cried, but in fact, he had sat on the side so Pan could actually pull him in, he wanted to be in the warm water. Pan grinned.
"You deserved it." She said.
"No I didn't!" Trunks whined like a two-year-old. Pan smiled, and swam up to him. She reached up, and ran her fingers through Trunks' wet hair. Trunks
slowly placed his hands on her waist, and pulled her close. Trunks caught Pan's chin, and slowly drew her face closer to his. He kissed her passionately. Pan
kissed him back, holding him tight. Pan slowly pulled them under water. She kissed him repeatedly under the water. Kissed his eyes, his forehead, his face,
and his lips. Trunks didn't resist.
A sudden splash caused both of them to come back to reality. They swam to the surface, and looked around. Pan glanced at Trunks once in a while, still
feeling his warm lips on hers. Trunks growled. Pan looked to him, and saw little Snuggles, trying his best to swim. Pan sighed in disappointment.
"Damn dog…" she muttered under her breath. Trunks grabbed Snuggles, and was about to throw him on the lawn, when Pan's hand reached up and
stopped him.
"Don't…its getting late…we should go to sleep…" Pan said sadly. Trunks forced a smile.
"Yeah…" he stared at Pan for a while, then swam for the edge. He hopped out. Shaking his soaking wet hair, Trunks smiled and headed in the house
without another word. Pan sighed sadly. She hated the fact that he made her feel so good…and she hated him…for being so cute and affectionate, and
everything else she wanted.
Swimming to the steps, Pan got out slowly, holding her puppy, which had no clue why everyone was mad at him. Pan set the dog down, then shook her
head furiously, shaking out most of the water out of her hair. She shivered. Suddenly realizing her cloths were cold and wet, she walked toward the house
to get out of the sopping wet cloths that now wrapped themselves around her figure tightly.
Pan walked into the house slowly. She smiled weakly as Trunks passed her, fresh from the shower. Pan yawned sleepily, then walked to her bedroom, not
even bothering to take a shower. Jumping on her bed, Pan fell asleep almost instantly.
Next morning, Trunks heard his alarm clock, and was greeted by the friendly licking of Snuggles. He finally managed to push the dog off, and get up. Taking
a quick shower to wake himself up, then threw on a couple of his best cloths.
Fixing breakfast carefully, Trunks managed to finally get a decent meal out of the mangled food. He set the food on a tray, checked the calendar to make
sure it was Pan's birthday today, and walked to her room. He smiled as he walked in her room, wondering what it would be like if they were really married.
He hid the food and flowers, before waking Pan up carefully.
Pan yawned and opened her eyes sleepily. She smiled dreamily, not even knowing who she was looking at. Trunks bent down over her, and moved the hair
from her face. Pan suddenly realized who was by her. She turned to face him, and smiled.
"Do you know what day it is today?" she asked him slowly. Trunks shook his head.
"Nope." He grinned. Pan frowned.
"Itsh my birthday." She told him sleepily. Trunks stroked Pan's cheek, playing with her hair softly.
"I already knew that." He said, walking over a little. He reached down, beyond Pan's sight, and brought back up the flowers and breakfast. Pan caught her
breath. She smiled at him happily, and reached over to hug and kiss him.
After a nice breakfast in bed, Trunks had the whole day planned. He and Pan took a short walk through the woods, stopping at occasional brooks and
streams. They made their way through town, until they came to a fair. Trunks smiled as he grabbed Pan's hand and pulled her through the crowd to one of
the rides.
They spent the rest of the day there, Trunks always winning candy and toys for Pan, and Pan always rewarding him with an affectionate kiss or cuddle.
They rode on all the rides, having a great time, until they ran out of money and tickets. Trunks shrugged, it was about six at night, and it was about time for
them to have a 'special' dinner.
Trunks tried his best at cooking dinner. He failed miserably. Finally, after giving up and calling up a restaurant, he came to a small problem.
"Would you like the food to be delivered sir?" the man responsible for deliveries asked.
"Uh…no." Trunks said quickly, thinking of what to do.
"Are you going to eat here sir?" the man asked again.
"No…" Trunks was trying to think of the best way of getting the dinner.
"What shall you do sir?" the man questioned, getting slightly suspicious.
"Prepare the food, get it ready to be picked up in a couple minutes, I'll pick it up and pay in person." Trunks replied. He nodded, it seemed fine that way.
"Yes sir…" the man hung up. Trunks smiled to himself. He set the table, and made sure Pan was still in her room before sneaking out the door. Shooting
through the sky, Trunks flew as fast as he could, forgetting he might run into his father, or others.
Bulma saw someone flying in the sky, passing Capsule Corp. She was about to yell out, thinking it could be Trunks, but then erased the thought. It was
probably Gohan or Vegita still looking for Trunks and Pan. A small thought formed in Bulma's mind. She bit her lip. What if they're dead? She asked herself,
close to tears. She shook her head and held back her tears. No…Trunks is a survivor…not to mention half Saiyan…he'll never give up…he's probably walking
home right now…Bulma reassured herself with this thought.

Landing lightly on the first step of the restaurant, Trunks hid his face beneath his hair. He walked bravely into the restaurant. A waiter walked up to him
almost immediately.
"May I help you sir?" he asked, motioning for Trunks to sit. Trunks shook his head.
"I'm here to pick up the food, I'm the man one of you talked to on the phone a while ago." Trunks answered, a little shifty. The waiter nodded, and walked
off toward the kitchen. He came back holding a large bag.
"This is it sir." He said, holding out the large bag. Trunks took it from him, holding the bag in one arm, he reached in his pocket for the money. Taking out a
couple twenties, he slapped the money on the table, and walked out.
Trudging home, Trunks held his breath as a dark figure passed over the woods. He walked on when he thought the cost was clear. He stopped when he
heard a twig snap. He gasped when a heavy hand rested on his shoulder. He froze. Not being able to move, Trunks hoped that it wasn't Vegita. He slowly
turned around, and came face to face with Goku.
"Nani?" Trunks squinted in the dark, trying to make sure it was Goku.
"Trunks…what are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" Goku asked suspiciously. Obviously he hadn't heard that Trunks and Pan had run away.
Trunks swallowed hard.
"I'm planning a dinner at my cabin in the woods…" he answered quietly. Goku's eyes lit up.
"Food? Can I come?" he asked eagerly. Trunks shook his head.
"This is a dinner for two." He said shamelessly. Goku raised his eyebrow curiously.
"You and…?" He eyed Trunks, waiting for an answer.
"Pan…" Trunks answered quietly. Goku almost fell over.
"PAN?!" he cried. Trunks covered his mouth with a hand quickly.
"Don't you dare tell anyone! Dad will kill me! Please, I need this one night alone, just with Pan, then I'll come home…" Trunks pleaded. Goku shrugged, then
walked away, still confused. Trunks sighed thankfully. He turned tail and headed home.
Walking in the house quietly, he prepared the food, or at least put them on dishes, and dressed up in a tuxedo. He slipped a note under Pan's door.

Meet me for dinner at 7, sharp!

Pan recognized the writing as soon as she read the first word. She immediately ran to her closet to pick out her best dress. She spent about an hour
putting on makeup and perfume. She smoothed out her dress and stood in front of the mirror. She smiled at Snuggles, which was watching anxiously.
"Do you think he'll like it?" she asked him. Snuggles barked in agreement. Hmm…I hope he likes it…she thought happily. I don't know what I'd do if he didn't
like it…he might not like me! Pan almost fainted at this thought. She sat down on her bed, waiting patiently for seven o'clock.
Opening her door, and creeping out slowly, Pan walked to the kitchen, to see Trunks, sitting in one of the two chairs, eyes closed, surrounded by mounds of
food. Pan gasped, and was quickly noticed by Trunks. Trunks shot up, and pulled a chair out for Pan to sit. He smiled warmly. Pan smiled back, then eyed
the food. Trunks sat down on the other side of the table.
"Happy birthday Pan…" he said quietly. Pan laughed.
"Was this whole day for my birthday?" she cried. Trunks nodded. Pan smiled.
"Thank you." She said gratefully. Trunks smiled back, then motioned for them to eat.
After a romantic dinner, Trunks walked to refrigerator to get the desert, coconut cream pie. He slowly set the plates down, and walked to his chair. He
glanced at Snuggles, who was gagged and tied up secretly. Trunks smiled to himself. That dog has caused enough trouble for me already. He thought,
trying not to feel guilty.
Trunks slowly got up, and walked over to Pan. He reached in his pocket and fingered the small velvet box for a minute before kneeling down in front of her.
Pan held her breath. Is this seriously happening to me? Trunks? My dream man…proposing? She screamed inside her head. Trunks took a deep breath, then
pulled out the small gold laced, velvet box. He held it up in front of Pan. Opening it, he smiled weakly.
"Pan…you made me realize things I had never thought were there…you brought me a new life…and I feel lost and lonely without you. You gave me lots of
happiness…and I don't think I could ever make that up. Please, let me spend the rest of my life trying. Pan…I love you with all my heart…will you marry me?"
Trunks finished his well-memorized speech. Trunks held his breath, and watched Pan's every move.
Pan stared for a while into Trunks' deep blue eyes. She felt like she was lost in them, like swimming in a never-ending ocean. She smiled as she turned her
attention to the ring. It was a gold and silver ring. The thin silver strands were wound around like a braid with the thin gold strands. Alone, each strand
could be easily broken or damaged, but all of the six strands together, three silver and three gold, made a tight chain. The strands were flattened and
melted together on the inside, forming a flat surface. On the inside, the engraving read only the truest words; 'I will always love you'.
Trunks gently lifted the ring from the box. He slipped it neatly onto Pan's finger. Looking deeply into her eyes, searching, for an answer, he stared at her for
a moment, before releasing the long held breath.
"Of course I will…" she answered, tears welled up in her eyes. She bit her lip in order to hold them back, and smiled bravely. She bent over, and ran her
hands through Trunks' soft, lavender hair. She smiled again, this time letting a few tears fall. She lowered her head, and lifted Trunks' chin, so his eyes met
hers. She leaned a little closer before catching him in the most passionate, loving, needy kiss Trunks had ever received in his life. They pulled apart
"What are we going to do?" Pan asked suddenly, worried. Trunks looked up at her, a little confused, and still lost in the kiss.
"About what?" he asked, a little dazed.
"Our families…what are we going to do? They'll never settle for us being married…" she said quietly.
"Then lets get married without them." Trunks suggested. Pan shook her head.
"I want a big wedding, with all the works…please Trunks…" she whined quietly. She leaned forward and grabbed his face, demandingly. She kissed him
fiercely, catching him off guard. Trunks kissed her back, with just as much energy and electricity. It took Pan all her will power to break the kiss, and not get
too carried away. They finally pulled apart, both breathless and amazed.
"Please Trunks? Let me have the wedding I want…please?" Pan pleaded. She had wanted a wedding with all the works, ever since she was a kid. She was
always the fashionable sort, so she already had her entire wedding planned already. In one way, she was sort of like Bulma. Pan closed her eyes and
imagined all those flowers and people, watching her walk down the isle.
"Well…" Trunks thought on it.
"I'll reward you well…" Pan said in a husky voice. Trunks grinned.
"Go ahead." He answered, dazed and still breathless. Pan smiled in satisfaction. She had learned a lot from her mother about how to control men. Pan
giggled. She imagined the thought of herself in tight leather pants, a leather tank top and jacket. She smiled as she saw herself with a whip, controlling all
life on earth. Pan shook the thought out of her head, along with the evil gleam in her eye.
Trunks picked Pan up bravely, heading for the door, he stopped when she started slapping him helplessly.
"Where are we going?" Pan asked, worried. Trunks walked out the door, smiling.
"Going to visit everyone, to tell them the day and time of the wedding, and to get a couple things arranged." He answered. Pan's eyes went wide. She
struggled to get free, managing to grab onto a nearby tree.
"We can't tell mom and dad! They'll murder us! Seriously! They'll hate the idea of us together!" she cried helplessly. Trunks shook his head.
"If they lay a single hand on you…" Trunks reassured her that no harm would come to her while he was alive. Trunks continued on his way.
"But…" Pan started to protest.
"But nothing." Trunks ended the conversation with a sharp word.
Trunks stopped as he reached Capsule Corp. He looked in one of the windows, to find everyone gathered there, even Master Roshi, Yamcha, Tien and
Goten too. Trunks shrugged and turned to Pan, setting her down gently on the steps.
"At least we won't have to go around from door to door…" Trunks said quietly. He reached up and rang the doorbell. Pan bit her lip and shrunk behind
Trunks a little.
Bulma walked to the door, her eyes were red from crying and worry. She hesitated, turning back to her friends, who urged her on. She swallowed hard,
then opened the door carefully. She shrieked, then slammed the door shut.
Trunks stood there, dumbfounded, wondering if he was even wanted anymore. He raised a curious eyebrow, then ringed the doorbell again. He glanced at
Pan nervously. Smiling once in a while in encouragement, Pan gripped his hand tightly, until it was almost white.
Bulma turned around, her eyes wide and her skin pale, she was shaking. The doorbell sounded. She turned around slowly, then ripped the door open all
the way, banging it against the wall. The entire gang sat there, amazed and surprised.
"Trunks?" Bra slowly whispered her brother's name. Trunks stepped inside the house, dragging Pan behind him. Gohan stood up, a strict look on his face.
Videl stood to join him, and soon everyone was standing and wondering if they were staring at a hologram. Bulma made the first move, jumping at Trunks,
and hugging him so tightly that he turned blue a little. Chichi finally managed to pry her friend off of Trunks.
"Hi everyone…" Trunks greeted the gang quietly. Soon enough, everyone was rushing forward and hugging Trunks and Pan, except Vegita and Gohan. They
glanced at each other occasionally. Frowns on their unchangeable faces. Trunks slowly stepped into the middle of the room, bringing Pan along with him. He
stood to face both fathers. Slowly, he looked from Gohan to Vegita, and back. He swallowed hard.
"I have an announcement…" he said quietly, drawing everyone's attention. He squeezed Pan's hand for comfort. Facing his audience, he smiled weakly.
Looking down to Pan, as if expecting her to tell everyone, Trunks swallowed hard again. Then slowly, very slowly, managed to tell the crowd the big news.
"Pan and I…we're…uh…getting…married…" Trunks slowly said. He glanced at Pan nervously, then looked back to his greatest threat, Vegita and Gohan. He
smiled weakly.
Bra ran up to her brother, breaking the small circle. She grabbed Pan's hand and examined it, staring at the ring's beauty with an astonished look on her
face. Smiling, she held up Pan's hand to show everyone the ring. Then she hugged them both, and wished them quite happy lives together. Chichi slowly
excepted this, and walked up to them both, also wishing them a happy lifetime. Next thing, the entire group went up, wishing them happy lives, full of joy
and love. Bulma and Videl were the most emotional, as usual, and they cried and hugged the couple for what seemed like hours. The group stood back as a
gruff voice broke the mumbling and talking.
"No." Vegita said slowly and calmly. Trunks stared at his father with steel cold eyes.
"Why." He said coldly.
"Because." Vegita tried to control his son with his cold, hard stare, but Trunks' stare struck his heart, and tore it open. He felt his own son was revolting
against his wishes. Trunks gritted his teeth.
"I'm marrying her whether you like it or NOT!" Trunks yelled, now furious. His only chance at happiness, and he wasn't going to let anyone in his way. Vegita
was close to grabbing Pan and throwing her out the window, but a figure passed him. He turned to see Gohan walk up to Trunks and Pan. Putting a hand
on Trunks' shoulder, Gohan gave him his best wishes for a great life. Vegita stood amazed.
"Am I the only sane person here?" Vegita cried, surprised and stunned. Trunks shook his head.
"You're the only insane person here." He said. He turned to leave, apparently, he wasn't wanted. He walked for the door, Pan following him obediently.
Vegita stared after his son for a moment. He shook his head and thought. Why should I wish them happiness…no way is my son going to take any relation
of Kakarott's as a wife…I don't understand it damnit! How can he rebel against MY wishes? That brat…I should've smacked him when I had the
chance…Vegita thought bitterly. He glanced at Bulma, wanting an unknown explanation for this act. Bulma shook her head. It was up to Vegita to make the
right choice.
Vegita gritted his teeth. This was the hard part, and the part he hated, thinking. Bulma's parents didn't object to us...maybe everyone is right…Vegita shook
his head again, then stepped forward.
"Trunks." He called his son sharply. Trunks turned around, Pan behind him.
"Hai." Trunks could almost see his father hitting him, arguing with him. Trunks winced, but held his place. Vegita slowly walked up to Trunks. Swallowing
every bit of anger he had left, Vegita placed his hand on his son's shoulder.
"I hope you two have a nice life together, go ahead, marry her, you have my respect now or whatever." Vegita said, without much energy. He backed away
to study Trunks for a minute.
"Thank you…" Trunks muttered. He turned around, and walked out the door, a small smile on his face. Pan followed him.
"Thank you Vegita." She said quietly. Then she turned tail and walked out. The families stood still, not daring to breathe. They eyed each other, then
everyone laid their eyes on Vegita. Vegita gritted his teeth and grunted.
"Well? Don't you people have things to do? Go kill people, eat garbage, go to a strip club! Do something! Go! Get!" Vegita yelled at the group, then turned
around and walked to the bathroom.
"Heh…who would've thought that Vegita would give into something?" Goten asked, slightly puzzled.
"I heard that!" came the gruff response from the bathroom. Goten grinned, scratching behind his head. He laughed nervously, then ran out the door, not
wanting to upset Vegita any further.
Meanwhile, Pan and Trunks flew through town, not saying a word. Pan swallowed hard, wondering what Trunks was thinking. Maybe…we made a
mistake…she thought sadly.
"Trunks?" Pan broke the silence between them softly. Trunks didn't answer, he stared straight ahead. Pan hesitated.
"Maybe…we shouldn't get married…maybe we made a big mistake…" Pan said quietly, wondering if Trunks even heard her. Trunks immediately stopped. He
stared straight ahead, not moving. Pan looked down.
"I'm sorry…its just…your disobeying your father's wishes…and everyone was hesitating to wish us a good life…and…its just not going to work out…" Pan
said again, gazing at the cities and rolling hills beyond.
"No." Trunks spoke, his voice quivered a bit. Pan looked up. She frowned.
"That helps a lot Trunks…" she said sarcastically.
"We're getting married." He said, a bit of anger and fear in his voice. Pan slowly flew down to the ground. For some reason, it seemed safer to her. She
watched Trunks as he slowly followed. They landed side by side, staring at each other, looking for answers, and wondering what the future held.
"Trunks…we can't…I mean…I don't know…if I want to get married anymore…" Pan said quietly, her voice choked. Her lips quivered as she looked up to
Trunks. She shook her head as she bit her lip to hold back tears.
"Pan…" Trunks stepped forward. He stopped when Pan backed up. She shook her head. A single tear slid down her dirty cheek, and left a thin line of
peachy skin. This tore at Trunks' heart. He stepped forward again, and reached out to touch Pan. She moved away quickly.
"I can't! I don't want to get married! Everyone was against it, don't you see it? We aren't meant for each other! It's never going to work out!" she
screamed at him.
"But Pan…we…" Trunks started to complain, but Pan cut him off.
"No! It's never going to be the perfect life! Never! It's not going to work out!" she cried again, holding out her hand, she took off the ring, and threw it at
Trunks, "You can have your ring back! I don't want this! I don't want anything!" she screamed, tears running down her face, smudging the dirt and makeup.
Trunks caught the ring immediately with ease. He looked back at her, a look of confusion and sadness crossed his face. He looked down at the ring, then
tucked it in his pocket.
As if on cue, thunder shook the forest. The sky became dark with rain clouds, and cold, rain beat down on the earth. Pan looked across at Trunks, seeing his
sad and angry face every time the lightning struck. She shook her head as she back away some more, her face smeared and dirty. Trunks suddenly
appeared in front of her. She shrieked, and turned to run, but Trunks grabbed her arm and held her tightly.
"We're going to get married…I don't care what people think…I want to be with you…do you understand?" he asked, saying every word slowly and carefully,
as if he were explaining something to a young child. His voice was cold and harsh, menacing even, but Pan could sense softness in his voice. She held back
a sob, and nodded.
"Good…its settled, we're getting married." He said, his voice at a gentler tone. He reached out and wiped the tears off her face, smudging her makeup some
more. He reached up and gently moved the dripping wet hair from her face. He slowly stared into her eyes, and picked up her hand. With the other hand,
he reached in his pocket, and took the ring out. Quickly polishing it on his wet shirt, he placed it slowly on her finger. Pan smiled weakly, another tear rolling
down her face.
Trunks looked in Pan's eyes again. He slowly searched her eyes, almost lost in them. He wrapped a hand around her waist, the other, he placed on the
back of her neck. He pulled her close and kissed her passionately, ending the whole fight. Pan kissed him back, then ended it quickly. She hugged him
tightly, not even realizing that the whole fight had a sudden change of attitude, and that both of them were now calm and hugging, not remembering the
feud before. The rain had stopped and the stars were out, shining and glistening like they were freshly polished diamonds.
"So…what now?" Pan asked quietly. Trunks shrugged.
"We go home…get married…then who knows…" he answered. Smiling, Trunks picked Pan up and walked off into the woods. Pan smiled and cuddled close to
Trunks kicked the door open, grinned at Pan, then walked inside. He dropped Pan down on the couch, then walked to the kitchen. He rummaged in the
drawer for a while, then pulled out a calendar. Studying it carefully, he finally spoke.
"How's the 17? Of June?" he asked. Pan stood up and walked to him.
"For what?" she asked, slightly curious. She grabbed an apple and bit into it.
"For the wedding." Trunks answered slowly. Pan's eyes went wide. She almost choked on the apple.
"The wedding? That's like…years away!" she cried, startled and confused.
"Years? No way, the 17th will do fine…that's…this next Saturday I think…" he said, checking the calendar again. Pan shook her head.
"Not enough time!" she cried.
"For what?"
"Invitations…dresses…flowers…tons of stuff!"
"We'll figure it out." Trunks reassured Pan.
"But…" Pan started to protest, but Trunks stopped her by turning around quickly and kissing her. Pan kissed him back. Trunks finally managed to get up the
will to pry his hands off her face and end the kiss.
"We're getting married Saturday, June 17. Got it?" Trunks asked softly. Pan nodded. She turned away, confused, but agreeing.
"Let's get some sleep…" she said quietly, before retreating to her bedroom.

Later, on June 17…

Pan paced back and forth in front of the mirror. She looked over her dress for the thousandth time. Bra was close to actually grabbing Pan by the hair and
yanking her out the door, so she could get married.
"Pan! For crying out loud! Calm down!" Bra cried, just a tad impatient. Pan spun around and fixed her dress again. She scowled when she didn't get it right.
Finally, Bra fixed it for her, and held her down in her chair.
"Bra! You'd be just as nervous if YOU were getting married!" Pan cried out, struggling against Bra's grasp. Pan gritted her teeth.
"You're definitely not going to be the most beautiful bride in the land if you keep yelling and gritting your teeth!" Bra noted. Pan stood up and was about to
wring Bra's neck, when Bulma walked in.
"Girls! Girls! Please!" Bulma ran to pull them apart, "You two are the worst best friends I have ever seen! What did you two learn from your parents?"
Bulma cried out. Bra smirked and pointed a finger at Bulma.
"Well, I learned to fight, scowl, yell, not care for anyone, scream, beat up on people…" Bra went on making her list.
"Ok! Ok…so we weren't the best parents in the universe…but oh well!" Bulma rolled her eyes. She smiled sweetly then tightened the sash on Bra's fancy
"Mom!" Bra cried out in pain. She quickly re-tied the sash, making sure it fit right. Bulma smiled and hurried the girls out the door.
Bra peeked through the curtain, to see Trunks and Goten walk up the isle. She smiled and poked Pan.
"I see your husband!" she whispered. Pan looked up and strained to look out the curtain, using every bit of will power in her to not rip the cloth off.
"He's not my husband! Yet…" she answered in a cold, harsh whisper. She gave Bra a death glare. Her friend shrunk back and gave the bride some space.
The wedding coordinator walked up, she gently pushed all the girls, except the bride, out the curtain. She looked at her watch, then glanced out the
curtain. She smiled as she saw the girls walk to their appropriate places.
The coordinator pushed Pan and Gohan out the door. Gohan smiled and led his daughter up the isle. The guests turned to watch the bride. She was
wearing a heart cut lacy gown, strapless, a double veil covered her head, and her train followed a couple feet behind her. She smiled carefully, glancing at
the people passing by. She never thought to look up to her future husband until she passed Vegita and Bulma.
Bulma watched the bride pass by, smiled and gave a little wave to her. Pan looked past Bulma, to Vegita, who was watching straight ahead, his lips moving
occasionally. Pan followed his eyes to Trunks. She caught her breath. Wow…he's cute in a tux! She thought, laughing to herself mentally. I'll have to
remember that…she smiled and kept her eyes on him. Although she was afraid that in a gown his long, she'd trip and make a total fool of herself, she still
kept her eyes locked on Trunks.
Pan let go of her father's arm, and walked up o where Trunks was standing. She smiled sweetly at him, missing his touch already. He's all mine now…she
thought, some small evil thoughts on how to spend their first night invaded her mind. She held back a grin.
"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today…" The minister began the well-prepared speech. Trunks and Pan didn't hear a single word of it. Well…until the
important part.
"I do." Pan's voice quivered. She closed her eyes momentarily, and let a single, tear slid down her cheek. Trunks had the greatest urge to reach up and
wipe the glistening tear off her cheek.
"And do you, Trunks, take Pan as your lawfully wedded wife--to love and to honor; for richer, for poorer; in sickness, and in health; and forsaking all
others--'til death do you part?" the minister continued his speech, flashing a wild grin to any picture takers. Pan searched Trunks' eyes, waiting anxiously for
an answer.
"I do." Trunks said slowly, and quietly, as if letting it sink in. Pan let out a small sigh of relief.
"Take this ring and put it on her left ring finger, then say: 'with this ring, I thee wed'." the minister instructed. Trunks took the ring the minister offered. Not
taking his eyes off of Pan, he smiled and slid the ring on her finger.
"With this ring, I thee wed." he said. Pan copied the movements, not batting an eyelash, not taking her eyes off of HER Trunks.
"With this ring, I thee wed." she echoed back. Trunks didn't wait any longer. He leaned down and practically ripped the veil off of Pan's head. He leaned in
and kissed her deeply, longingly, passionately.
"Well…I guess you know the next part…" the minister watched the couple kiss, happy for them, yet a little disappointed that he couldn't say the important
Trunks leaned in closer and kissed Pan a little longer. They pulled apart, breathless, like the first time they kissed. A smile spread across Pan's face as a
couple tears slid down her slender cheek. Trunks' hand shot up as an impulse, he wiped away the tears quickly, startling Pan.
"Well…is his what you wanted?" Trunks asked her, lifting her up in his arms. Pan snuggled down against him. She nodded. He smiled and carried her down
he isle to the limousine waiting for them.
"This went rather well…" Pan said, smiling as she was put gently in the limousine. Trunks tapped the driver's shoulder, waved at the guests, and then went
off with his new bride to join the rest of the people at the reception.

Later, at the reception…

The guests crowded around the newly wed couple. Goten poked Trunks a couple times, grinning foolishly, and patting his back.
"Goten…" Trunks growled, annoyed. Pan smiled and hugged Trunks tightly.
"Yes?" the mischievous 'adult' called back, annoying Trunks further.
"Do you mind?" Trunks said through gritted teeth.
"No, not at all." Goten grinned. Trunks rolled his eyes. Bra suddenly ran up and hugged her brother.
"So…watcha guys gonna be doin' from now on?" she asked, winking at Trunks. Trunks blushed hard, but shook it off.
"We're going to settle in that cabin Trunks built…" Pan answered for her husband. She smiled and hugged Trunks tighter, clinging to him. Goten whispered
something in Bra's ear, then grabbed her hand. Trunks shrugged, he never understood that semi-brained Saiyan.
Goten and Bra ran up on stage, and talked to the disc jockey. They said a couple words, Trunks noticed their lips moved, then they nodded a couple times.
Bra grabbed the microphone.
"Will the bride and groom please get up here?" she asked. The music stopped playing. Trunks nervously walked up, with Pan following. A slow melody
started playing. Pan and Trunks immediately recognized it as 'I Will Always Love You' by Whitney Houston. Trunks smiled to himself. This is the perfect song
for our future…he thought. Trunks glanced at Pan, who was glancing at him. Bra grinned.
"Goten and I…would like to dedicate this song to you, may you have a great life ahead." She finished her small speech. Stepping down from the stage, the
guests all stopped their dancing and talking to focus on the newly weds. The melody continued playing. Pan looked up to Trunks' eyes. She smiled and
grabbed his hand, placing the other on his shoulder. Trunks reached up and took Pan's hand, laying the other on her waist. They danced slowly to the
Trunks looked up, smiling happily. He looked into Pan's eyes, searching instinctively. Leaning over, he caught Pan in the most affectionate kiss, since they
became a couple. Trunks kissed her hungrily, but softly and gently, a hint of passion and love flowed through them. They danced on, kissing, kissing the kiss
every newly wed would. That kiss, that signaled the bond between them…the kiss that is alive…a living flame…a kiss that never ends…but must.

The End

After note: Trunks and Pan lived their lives in peace and happiness. Shortly after they were married, a daughter was born to them, Avellana. (Avellana
meaning hazelnut in Spanish) They lived in plenty, Trunks being the president of Capsule Corp. and
all. I would tell you about their lives, and future, but that's…another story.